Miere Zarand, Good as in the old days.
The nectar from which the bees made this wonderful honey, of a superior quality, was collected in the Natura 2000 Site Zarandul de Est, a protected area located in the south of the Apuseni Mountains, on the border between the counties of Arad and Hunedoara. In this place, with an impressive biodiversity, more than 60 beekeepers are active, practicing stationary beekeeping, some of them with a tradition of more than 3 generations. They look after 2700 bee families that pollinate and collect nectar from an area of over 20.500 hectares.
Local beekeepers produce honey on a small scale, keeping alive the traditions of stationary beekeeping and gathering all the properties offered by spontaneous flora. And we try to bring added value by following principles that are based on concepts such as the sustainable use of natural resources, the well-being of pollinators, offering a fair price to producers and giving a special product to our customers.
Thus, you will find in each jar a diverse and unique blend of honey flavors, which reflects the biodiversity of Zarand's meadows and forests.
Honey bottling is done at the multifunctional Center in Roșia Nouă, Petriș commune, which includes a fully functional space, equipped with modern machinery for bottling honey, which complies with international hygiene and public health standards, authorized by the Arad Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Directorate for bottling and selling honey in Romania, but also for export to the European Union.
Acacia honey - it is a monoflora honey, with yellow-pink-gold shades, slightly fragrant and clear, with a lot of finesse and discretion. These distinct characteristics make it highly valued by consumers, especially in sweetening foods and teas.
Acacia honey contains a lot of fructose and little glucose (fructose content is higher than other types of honey - over 40%), which causes very slow crystallization. Typically, this variety is considered to remain in the fluid state for up to a year, but depending on storage conditions and purity, crystallization may not occur until several years later.
The elders know that acacia honey is an excellent tonic that helps strengthen the immune system, being assimilated very easily by the body, thus providing us with energy and nutrients.
Lime honey - it is a monofloral honey, produced by bees from the nectar of the flowers of linden trees that can be found in the deciduous forests of Romania and you can identify them by their small, pale, fragrant flowers, gathered in clusters full of aroma.
The honey produced is yellow-orange, reddish, or with green reflections. The smell and aroma are characteristic, being a sweet honey with a strong aroma. It is fluid until late fall, and when temperatures begin to drop, it crystallizes into large crystals.
That any variety of honey, the linden honey takes from the exceptional qualities of the flowers from which it comes, being rich in pollen grains, and sometimes it can also contain traces of hand honey. These elements give it soothing, relaxing qualities and it is known for its calming effects.
Honey from Fâneața - it is a special honey, obtained from the nectar of the meadow flowers from the Natură 2000 Zarandul de Est site. Over 500 plants have been identified in the area of the protected area, many of which are honeydew and medicinal. The nectar collected by the bees leads to a very complex honey with a unique taste and selected properties.
Polyfloral hay honey incorporates nectar from several dozen or perhaps even hundreds of plants, causing it to vary from year to year depending on the prevailing nectar. These characteristics can only bring a wealth of colors and tastes full of flavor and health.
**Crystallization of honey is a natural phenomenon that occurs sooner or later, depending on the type of honey and the storage conditions.